Continuing where we left off yesterday, I will deliver you some more photos of the weaving factory.
You can see a plastic bag hanging from the side of the shutttle machine but I actually I’d never seen it in other factories so I asked them why.
It seems a normal shuttle loom machine can automatically supply itself with wefts when it’s running out but the machines they have are extra old that they need to change to a new one by hand so it seems the plastic bag is used for the sake of storing the weft threads.The guy who explained it to me said looking quite embarrassed, “Our facilities are quite archaic…” I wanted to say to him that extra step might add an extra piece to the difficult puzzle of reproducing vintage-like fabric though.
We’ve been working with Niho Mempu for more than 5 years now but until recently no one could go inside to actually see what’s going on in the factory. Now that they open their facility to denim makers like us so I think I’ll go seeing their work from time to time. But in autumn next time because it’s even hotter in the factory because of the heats from these gigantic weaving machines with all the window shut for the wind and the sunlight not to come in… I felt like I was gonna melt…