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Restock Working Cat Hero Jeans

Working Cat Hero Jacketに続きWorking Cat Hero Jeansも補充出来ました。
そういえばRyo君のJohn Lennonへの憧れからスタートした企画だったのに本人の着用した雰囲気からブリティッシュ感は感じる事が出来ずアメリカの田舎のお父さんのスーパーマーケットでの買い物スタイルになってますがこれはこれで成立してるので良しとしましょう。

Working Cat Hero Jeans are back in stock! Ryo’s been wearing the jeans with his vintage 11MJ jacket.
His jeans haven’t faded that much yet but I think some waterfall fade is about to appear on his pair. It comes in handy to wear the vintage and our repro jeans together since we can see right away if we’ve made the fabric right or not. I’ll go reporting about his fade progress on our blog too.

No offense to Ryo or anyone but I do get an impression from his style that he looks like a random middle aged American guy you see in a grocery store even though he was the guy to advance the project for our Working Car Hero jeans & jackets, heavily influenced by the Beatles and the UK culture.

It’s just my opinion as a Japanese guy so I’m more curious if his style reminds you of typical Japanese fashion…
( I think he wants to say that I have some Cheech & Chong vibes for a Japanese guy)

now it’s up online for deliveries after this weekend!




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