ただ、段々と妄想が膨らむたびにリベットの特許が聞いてた時代にリーバイス以外がリベットを使えないから他の方法で強度の有るジーンズを作ろうと思って各社試行錯誤をしてた。それが150年の時を経て今見るとデザインにさえ見える。そっちが面白くなってきてGood Luck Jeansというのを発表させて頂いたのは記憶に新しく周知の通りと思います。
2021年にTCBで作らせて頂いたViktors Voiceでのリネンパッチラインはなぜ生まれたのか?
AppleがiPhone Pro とIphone SEを作る意味も何となく理解してきました笑。
It was 150th anniversary last year since the birth of riveted pants. TCB had a chance to reproduce jeans made in 1873 but Viktor Fredback showed us a pair of Good Luck jeans he found and the unique details developed because of the era when the patent of the rivets was in effect drove TCB to make them, ending up passing on with the chance.
After the Rivet patent went off, many brands back then started to use the rivets but at that time the king of jeans, Levi’s, took next measures. Why linen patches? What are the NO2 Jeans? Now I’d like to start to reveal the history of jeans.
Let’s turn the dial of our time machine to 1890.
Now that I understand why Apple made iphone pro and iPhone SE.