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WW2 Fade Contest 色落ち紹介 part 3

S40’s Jeans Fade Contestの集計にお時間がかかってしまいましたが、本日より、4/8までこのブログ上で皆様の色落ちとコメントを紹介していきます。本当に素晴らしい色落ちが多いのですが、ブログ上では全てのお写真は紹介できません。4/8の最終紹介の際には、各参加者様ごとの全写真をダウンロード出来るリンクを準備しますので、ぜひ世界中の皆様が履き込んだS40’s Jeansの姿をぜひご覧になってください。また、最終の発表に関しては、Zoom & Instagram Live (@tcbinoue アカウントより) の両方で中継をしたいと思っています。日程としては、4/23(土) 19:00~を予定しております。発表日付近になりましたら、改めてZoom トークへのリンクをご案内させて頂きます。

また、S40’s Jeansはコンテスト終了と共に販売を終了するのですか?とのご質問を頂きますが、TCBとしては今後も定番品番として作り続けていきますし、webstore上でもまだご予約を承っています。色落ちがどうなんだろうという事で悩まれていた方々も多くいらっしゃると思います。日本はじめ、世界のジーンズ好きが各々の履き方で色落ちさせて頂いたジーンズを紹介していきますので、ぜひご参考にいただければ幸いです。

We’d like to show you all the beautifully faded S40’s Jeans worn by people all around the world. This is a happy scream but there are too many good photos to narrow down which photos to upload here. In addition, this page might become too heavy to open so I will upload the link on the 8th April where you can download all the photos of each contestant so please check the outcome on each pair!

As for the winner announcement, we will do a Zoom Live/Instagram Live on 23rd April from 19:00 JP time. Each TCB staff will pick their 1,2,3 and will give each pair a comment for the top 3. I wonder who’s pair will win this time since each TCB crew has their own preference on fade! Please look forward to the winner announcement!

Lastly, we get often asked if we would discontinue S40’s series after the contest is over but we will continue making them and we are currently taking pre-order for the S40’s! so don’t worry about it, it’s now one of our permanent collection so you can buy them anytime!

No:76 mondo500

コメント:特になし/No specific comments

No:33 Uncle Karl


I didn’t record the wash or how many days I’ve worn them. I washed them when I felt like it so it didn’t matter how dirty it got. This jeans were just my work wear so I wore them without any extra care or any hesitation about damages. It’s truly my buddy who has gone through a lot of construction places (He works as a carpenter)
The more I wore the more it faded. Also, the more I wore it, the more sweat, blood and tears accumulated on the jeans. As I wore my jeans, I noticed that there was a flaw in weaving on my right back pocket. That makes mine look more authentic, doesn’t it?

No:103 diggers

コメント:特になし/No specific comments

No:87 LazyS

コメント:特になし/No specific comments

No:48 kameisenpai


I don’t remember how many washes I’ve done but I did the first one after the whisker creases were deeply settled. As the jeans faded, a little illustration I doodled on the pocket bag got paled out. The one and only jeans for me. It’s really a special pair of jeans only for me and I guess yours must be your own special pair.

No:91 Sattyz

コメント:特になし/No specific comments

No:117 Toegun

コメント:Thank you for such a great competition, it motivated me to stick to just one pair. Less is more!

No: 88 CSL

コメント:特になし/No specific comments

No:36 なゆたと猫/Nayuta and cats


I’ve worn my pair 5 times a week and I guess I have washed them 20 times or so (No drying). For a few months, I always brought Frisk in the right back pocket so that marked some fades there. When I was sleeping, my cats sat on my jeans to develop the fade;) I wonder why cats like denim fabric. Do they think it’s cat scratcher? lol
This time, I was honored to draw the design for the contest patch and it was a valuable experience for me. Thanks again TCB and for all the participants around the world!

No:98 djungelorm

コメント:It has been fun doing a fading contest with people from all over the world.These jeans faded unusually for me; I normally do not get sharp whisker fades on the upper thighs, let alone multiple ones. I did some repairing, mainly reinforcing the seams, patching the cuffs, and fixing the pockets, but sadly, my stitching is a bit rough. But jeans are supposed to represent one’s life, and clearly my life does not include sewing skills. Thank you TCB for making a great pair of jeans!

世界中の皆と一つのジーンズを履き込むのは楽しかったよ。しかも、今回のS40’s Jeansは自分にとって珍しい色落ちになったんだ。というのも、どんなジーンズを履いても、シャープなヒゲが太ももに渡るまで入ることはなかったんだよね。そのヒゲが数本入るとなったら尚更珍しいんだ。自分でリペアも色々とやってみたんだ。縫い糸を補強したり、裾の折り目のところに当て布で補強したり、ポケットを直したりね。けども、自分でやったから、直しの部分は少し雑なのが悲しいところだね。だけど、ジーンズってのは、その人の生活を表すもので、僕の生活には縫製スキルってやつが含まれていないんだ。だから納得さ!笑 最後に、TCB、最高のジーンズをありがとう!

No:53 Spiraltoy

No:102 theguywhoknewthatguy

コメント:These are my favorite jeans of all time. So comfortable to wear with the high rise and straight leg. I never had to think twice about putting them on. Thanks for organizing! I had a lot of fun 😀

今まで履いた中で一番気に入っているジーンズがS40’s だよ。深い股上とゆとりのあるストレートレッグのシルエットのおかげで、すごく心地よいlookだったよ。1年半前に、TCBからこのジーンズが届いて、履いた瞬間に良いものだって感じたよ。コンテストの実施もありがとう、すごく楽しめたよ。

No:60 Jigsaw

コメント:特になし/No specific comments

No:53 irural

コメント:First of all thank you to all of TCB team for organising this competition with the one and only Volvo from sufu. Had a really great time wearing this pair and this was a great first pair for me from you guys.




Worn for 6000hrs. I wanted the jeans fade to be as wild as possible so stayed away from washing till 4000 hrs.
The first wash was done normally with a washing machine with a normal detergent and softer and the second wash was done right before I took these pictures. My favorite details are left front whiskers, the right front whiskers going beyond the right left pocket, and the clear honeycomb fade on the right back knee.




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