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TCB WW2 contest 完走のお知らせ Connecting the dots

1年半に掛けて開催したTCBxSufu S40s WW2 contestがこの度無事に終了しました。

Please Connecting the dots!!

We have been very pleased to hold a fade contest this time thanks to the help of SuFu but without you and your participation, anything couldn’t have worked for sure so I’d like to thank for all the participants around the world to join this fade contest. I’m not sure how many out of 201 people would send the pictures for the final judge but we can’t help feeling excited to see the fade pics from you. This of course applies to me who wear jeans and denim jacket everyday every year but you never notice any change on your jeans on a daily basis. But those tiny and invisible change having accumulated, it will make a clear difference after a while and those changes will make beautiful whiskers and honeycombs in the end. It might sound like an exaggeration but I think I have learnt that beautiful fades come from the accumulation of our normal and ordinary days that we tend to take granted. Beautiful yet crazy life journey of our own is also made of those days we should appreciate.
Hm, yes I love the philosophy of Steve Jobs. Yet, this is my pure and honest statement about jeans and life.

■写真のルール: 最大で8枚まで
フロント全体写真 1枚
バック全体写真 1枚
トップブロック フロント 1枚
トップブロック バック 1枚
お気に入りのディテール写真 最大3枚
着用写真 1枚 (SNSやブログ上で紹介する予定ですので、送付に関しては任意です)

■写真の送付期日: 3/14 (月) まで送付ください。
件名:TCB WW2 fade contest/参加Noと参加時のニックネーム

もし履き込みに関して、S40’s Jeansに関して、こだわりの洗い方やポイントなどがあればぜひコメントも頂ければ、世界中の参加者様のコメントも全て含めて日・英で紹介させていただきます。



・今回、世界中からの参加者様がS40’s Jeansを1年半もの間、履いてくださっていたということは本当にジーンズ冥利に尽きます。
本来であれば、日本中、世界中を周り、皆様の色落ちをレポートしたかったのですが、コロナ禍の影響でそれは敵いませんでした。最後だけでも参加いただいた皆様と時間を共有できればと思い、優勝の発表に関してはZoom/Instagram 両方でのライブ中継にて行う予定です。

文字だけだとどのような写真が必要かが分かりにくいかもしれません。今回TCB井上、TCB Ryoもジャッジの対象外ではありますが、このコンテストにちゃっかり参加しております。本日は Ryo君が、明日は井上も必要な写真を撮って、インスタグラム上に参考としてあげさせていただく予定ですので、送付頂くお写真の参考にしていただければ幸いです。

■Picture rules: Maximum 8 pictures
Whole jeans front
Whole jeans back
Top block front
Top block back
3 detail pics of choice ( this can be less if you don’t have 3)
1 fit pic(optional) maybe some don’t want to be exposed on SNS?

■Picture submittance due: 14th March JP time
Please send the pictures to
Title: TCB WW2 fade contest/ your contestant number and your nickname
*Even if the submittance is late, I can put you in but please send the pictures before the deadline. If the pictures are not confirmed, it’ll make you disqualified from the contest.

Also, please feel free to give us any comments about our S40’s jeans, your passion about the denim, what you like the most about your own fade. I will translate all your comments in English/Japanese and post them all on our blog.

■How to judge:
Each TCB member decides their 1,2, and 3rd.
1st place-3 points
2nd place-2 points
3rd place-1 points
The person who gets the most points wins.

We are thinking of holding a live stream both on Zoom/Instagram when we announce the winner! It’ll be mainly spoken in Japanese unfortunately but each TCB member gives a comment to the pick of their 3 people so we are at least conveying those messages in English in the live stream.

As for the winner announcement, we are thinking of doing it at the end of March.

TCB Inoue and Ryo are also the participants of this fade contest so we will individually post the pictures of our S40’s individually on our Instagram. If you are not sure about what pictures to send, please kindly refer to our posts!




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