S40’s Jeans Fade Contestの集計にお時間がかかってしまいましたが、本日より、4/8までこのブログ上で皆様の色落ちとコメントを紹介していきます。本当に素晴らしい色落ちが多いのですが、ブログ上では全てのお写真は紹介できません。4/8の最終紹介の際には、各参加者様ごとの全写真をダウンロード出来るリンクを準備しますので、ぜひ世界中の皆様が履き込んだS40’s Jeansの姿をぜひご覧になってください。また、最終の発表に関しては、Zoom & Instagram Live (@tcbinoue アカウントより) の両方で中継をしたいと思っています。日程としては、4/23(土) 19:00~を予定しております。発表日付近になりましたら、改めてZoom トークへのリンクをご案内させて頂きます。
また、S40’s Jeansはコンテスト終了と共に販売を終了するのですか?とのご質問を頂きますが、TCBとしては今後も定番品番として作り続けていきますし、webstore上でもまだご予約を承っています。色落ちがどうなんだろうという事で悩まれていた方々も多くいらっしゃると思います。日本はじめ、世界のジーンズ好きが各々の履き方で色落ちさせて頂いたジーンズを紹介していきますので、ぜひご参考にいただければ幸いです。
We’d like to show you all the beautifully faded S40’s Jeans worn by people all around the world. This is a happy scream but there are too many good photos to narrow down which photos to upload here. In addition, this page might become too heavy to open so I will upload the link on the 8th April where you can download all the photos of each contestant so please check the outcome on each pair!
As for the winner announcement, we will do a Zoom Live/Instagram Live on 23rd April from 19:00 JP time. Each TCB staff will pick their 1,2,3 and will give each pair a comment for the top 3. I wonder who’s pair will win this time since each TCB crew has their own preference on fade! Please look forward to the winner announcement!
Lastly, we get often asked if we would discontinue S40’s series after the contest is over but we will continue making them and we are currently taking pre-order for the S40’s! so don’t worry about it, it’s now one of our permanent collection so you can buy them anytime!
I’ve worn them mainly on the weekends. I didn’t pay any extra care to how to wash or dry.
I’ve worn them for about 5500 hrs. I pretty much like everything on this pair but especially I liked the fade on the thighs. As mentioned several times on TCB blog, I felt like the fabric showed some dotty fades at first, and then each dot got connected together, becoming fade lines, and at last the whole face showed the beautiful blue.
I’ve never worn vintage S501XX or let alone, seen them before but I feel like I have experienced wearing a vintage pair of jeans from S40’s. It was a great 18 months with this pair. Thanks again, TCB!
My favorite details on S40’s are the special patch that is well worn out now, the one and only pocket bag combination, and the worn-out belt loops! I didn’t use any special fade techniques but I have just worn them almost everyday. I didn’t thought that the Covid pandemic would last this long but at least I had a fun wearing this pair during the difficult times around the world. Hope TCB will hold another fade contest. Till the announcement, I will keep wearing this jeans! Thanks again TCB!
コメント:特になし/ no specific comment
I could barely finish the contest till the end. I’ve spend fun time, hard time with this pair and as a result, the fade is spot-on and it’s right in between too high contrasted fade and too low contrasted, which I like pretty much. I hope TCB will continue making great products like you guys have been doing so far!
No: 15 omrimeir (IG)/ Hopethisoneisnttaken (SuFu nickname)
コメント:My name is Omri Meir, I am a biologist from Israel. It was a great pleasure for me to take part in this fading contest. In my line of work I research mainly House Sparrows and Barn Owls in the field, so my jeans get dirty and smelly quite a lot. I washed them when needed, not really caring about how many times. I think I washed about once every month or two, but not really sure. Thank you for creating these wonderful jeans, and for the contest, my results are not as impressive as others but I still enjoyed every day of wearing the jeans, repairing them, seeing them age as time goes on.
Other than the usual front and back pictures I chose to add the beautiful ageing that’s on the button and also the many repairs(maybe 7-8 times)I had to do on the crotch and seat area.
My perfectionism on jeans
1: After the delivery, I soaked my jeans very lightly
2: I want the high-contrasted fade so I haven’t washed them yet
2: Once a month, I did clothing deodorant spray and sun dried.
3: In the last 2 months, I did hot water soak twice.
I’ve run the whole duration with my S40’s. I don’t remember any jeans that I’ve worn for 18 months in a raw and I hadn’t suffered from a serious illness that might have taken my life away. Indeed, a lot of unexpected life events happened in the last 18 months. My heart was about to break off and so was my soul and body but I’ve finished till the end and now I’m standing with my own leg with S40’s Jeans. It is surely a milestone for me.
Thanks again TCB!
コメント:Thank you again for the lovely jeans, outstanding service and participation in the community. I love how these contests bring a brand to life within the community beyond just well-made garments.
I hope you and the TCB crew are well. It’s been a turbulent 18 months and the world shows no signs of letting up. Here’s to a peaceful future rich with the little things in life that fill our cups.
素晴らしいジーンズをありがとう、TCB。また、Sufuでの取り組みであったり、このデニムコミュニティでの企画も素晴らしかったよ。良い商品を提供するだけに留まらず、このコンテストが皆が好きなジーンズ、そしてそのコミュニティを活性化させてくれて、本当に嬉しく思うよ。 この18ヶ月は世界的にも激動の時だっただろうと思います、そして、この状況はまだ終わりの気配を見せていません。そんな中でも、人生という名のカップを、日々の小さな楽しみ、喜びで埋めてくれるような平和な未来がまた訪れますように。
2 months after I started to wear S40’s, my wabash pocket bag got ripped and asked TCB to repair but it does seem along time ago. Now the pocket bag is getting ripped again but I like it somehow. Speaking of washing, I washed my jeans 8 times so far. In order to keep the indigo as much as possible, I used my special washing water mixed with salt, vinegar, and citrus acid for the washing. My favorite details on this pair is the strong whiskers (no starching), the special leather patch, and the worn-out pocket bag. The contest is over but I will continue wearing this pair for another 10 years to come.
It was the first time for me to wear in a single pair of jeans for this long period of time. I work for a second hand furniture shop in Hokkaido and wore mine as a work uniform. I often need to carry big furniture like a closet, or TV etc so that it would add some spice to my fade but it seems it maybe worked a little as a pinch of salt, lol. But there’s no correct answer for fade so that I’ve come to understand that this fade is my own fade coming from my life style. I always put my phone in the back pocket so it got ripped and I had it repaired by TCB. After the repair finished, I then started to put the phone in my front pocket so I think some phone fade can be seen there. Since I live in Hokkaido, I needed to do some snow shoveling and I wore my jeans but I’m not sure how much it affected the fade though. The contest started and finished in a blink of an eye!
No:73 Bowler
コメント:First off I would like to thank the TCB crew for this great competition and fantastic pants. I loved the high rise and straight cut plus all the cool WW2 details. I have really enjoyed wearing the jeans for the last 18 months. I work in construction as a tile setter and these were my work uniform. I had to make numerous repairs over the last year and have been retired from there work duties. They are now just worn around the house.
Just one more thing I would like to say I really enjoy your instagram feed. Japanese brands can be a little bit of a mystery because I dont speak japanese, so your instagram is great . I like all the behind the scenes details and denim nerd info.I hope on day to visit the factory and say hello to the crew and the cats!
コメント:特になし/no specific comment
コメント:I am really happy to have participated in this contest. I loved wearing these jeans, currently my favorite, and I plan on wearing them for a long time to come. The cut is great and the denim and its evolutions are superb.
このコンテストに参加できて、本当に楽しかったです。S40’s Jeansも大好きで、1番のお気に入りになりました。なので、今後もこのジーンズをずっと履いていこうと思っています。シルエットもいいし、生地も素晴らしいの一言です!