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WW2 Fade Contest 色落ち紹介 Part 5

総勢202名の参加者から、最終提出まで頂けたのはTCB 井上/Ryo分も含めまして、79名様からとなりました。各々のS40’s Jeansが、自分の生活、思い出、人生が刻み込まれたジーンズになっていれば、本当にジーンズメーカー冥利に尽きます。今回、ブログがあまりに重くなってしまっても見にくいため、皆様から頂いた写真はほんの一部しか紹介ができていません。こちらのリンクから、頂いた写真を全てダウンロードができますので、ぜひ他の参加者様の履き込んだジーンズもじっくり見られてみてください。TCB宛に写真を送付頂いた皆様からの写真は全て掲載をしたつもりでおりますが、もしかするとこちらの漏れがあるかもしれません。一部、海外勢からもまだ写真をお送りいただけていない方がいらっしゃいますので、発表までにもう一度番外編として色落ち紹介のブログをする予定でおります。写真・コメントが紹介されていないという方がいらっしゃいましたら、改めてtcbryo182@gmail.comまでご連絡頂ければ幸いです。

改めての案内となりますが、最終の発表に関しては、Zoom & Instagram Live (@tcbinoue アカウントより) の両方で中継をしたいと思っています。日程としては、4/23(土) 19:00~を予定しております。発表日付近になりましたら、改めてZoom トークへのリンクをご案内させて頂きます。

また、S40’s Jeansはコンテスト終了と共に販売を終了するのですか?とのご質問を頂きますが、TCBとしては今後も定番品番として作り続けていきますし、webstore上でもまだご予約を承っています。色落ちがどうなんだろうという事で悩まれていた方々も多くいらっしゃると思います。日本はじめ、世界のジーンズ好きが各々の履き方で色落ちさせたジーンズをぜひご参考にいただければ幸いです。

改めまして、1年間と半年、S40’s Jeansを愛情を持って履いて頂きましてありがとうございました。

We’ve now shown all the faded pairs, in total of 79 jeans, submitted to us! We’d like to thank you all again for having put so much wear and love into your/our jeans for the past 18 months. As I mentioned, we could not show you all the photos on our blog but you can download all the pics from each contestant from the link here.
As far as I’ve seen the pictures on SuFu, there might be some people who haven’t yet to send us the pictures so we are thinking of doing one last blog for them. If you would like us to put you in the final judge, please contact

As for the winner announcement, we will do a Zoom Live/Instagram Live on 23rd April from 19:00 JP time. Each TCB staff will pick their 1,2,3 and will give each pair a comment for the top 3. I wonder who’s pair will win this time since each TCB crew has their own preference on fade! Please look forward to the winner announcement!

Lastly, we get often asked if we would discontinue S40’s series after the contest is over but we will continue making them and we are currently taking pre-order for the S40’s! so don’t worry about it, it’s now one of our permanent collection so you can buy them anytime!

Thanks again for your participation!

No:163 108

I washed my jeans for 5 times with a normal detergent commercialy available anywhere. I was quite surprised at the durablity of the button holes!

No:34 Frost

コメント:特になし/no specific comments

No:35 Slab

コメント:Thanks again for this great denim and the opportunity to have this contest!

No:137 beck-J

コメント:S40’s コンテスト、楽しませていただきありがとうございました。初めて同じデニムを沢山の方々と共に穿き続けるという楽しさを体験出来て感謝です。わたくしの着用のルーティーンは…

tcbjeans S40’sに関して生地の強さや色の濃さ等は、先に穿いていた50’sと比較が出来、違いを楽しんでおりました。

Thanks for a great opportunity to take part in the contest. I think it was the first time for me to wear the same pair of jeans with so many other denim fans. My routine to wear this pair was something like below.
I wore them 6 days a week as my work wear for the first 5 months and then did a first wash. Then I started to wear them as my room wear, sometimes as my pajamas and then started to work them for a month and then a month for room wear, on and on. Speaking of washing, I used a normal washing machine with Samurai Jeans detergent and no softener. I mainly sun-dried my jeans since it was the common way back then to dry clothing in the 40’s. Didn’t do any starching either. To be honest, I’m not too picky about how the fade will turn out to look, lol.
I work as a hair dresser so I can wear whatever I want when working but I needed to be clean and neat, even more so than usual since I do the customer service in this difficult time of Covid. (Of course I changed my inner wear) I tend to give up on things so I started to work on my 60’s Jeans from the last august and then 60’s Jacket from the last October. Looking again at the clothing of 2021, my life was full of TCB last year lol.
Having experienced some other TCB models, I realized again how awesome the Japanese craftsmanship is. Thanks again, TCB!

No:146 せいさん/Seisan

コメント:雑に 丁寧に。汚く 綺麗に。

Just wear a pair of jeans roughly as well as carefully. Then, the fade will turn out to look dirty, yet beautiful. Thanks for this contest!

No.131 Stylefactory.matsuno


Well… I don’t have anything to say about my own fade, good or bad though. I didn’t do anything particular but I just enjoyed wearing my S40’s. The stitches on the pockets got loose, the pocket bags got frayed but I had them repaired and just continued wearing them. I would like to start fadeing S40’s again once this pair is totally toasted.

No:109 JRendon02

コメント:I had a blast being a part of this contest!

No:138 hirossy

着用日数 : 1年半の期間内で299日。
着用時間 : 約3746時間
洗濯回数 : 10回
乾燥機使用 6回



It was the first time for me to try a pair of TCB but the waterfall fade, which came from the hard-twisted warps, was just awesome.
Worn: 299 days, 3746hrs
Washing: 10 times
Drying: 6 times

2nd wash 147 days after I started to wear them. Till 7th washing, I just soaked my jeans.
After that, I felt that I wanted to fade them overally so started to use the washing machine.
My favorite points on my jeans are as follows.
-the sharp fade coming from the left selvedge line to the back of the knee
-the clear honeycomb fades which are also the proof of me having worked so hard.
-the slight rust on the steel buttons

Back in September when I started to wear this pair, I remember I got almost fainted from the heat but now it’s a part of the good memories with these jeans. Thanks again TCB for this great pair and the contest!

No.158 Jaguar


Such a wonderful pair of jeans and a great contest! The contest is over now but I’ll keep cherishing my buddy.
I work for a Japanese sake brewery and wore the S40’s tux as my work uniform. When working in a brewery, your jeans are exposed to sake, water, sweat, oil, detergent for the equipments, and sometimes rains or snows so basically my jeans had always been wet and I didn’t wash them for the first 6 months. After the first wash, I just washed them whenever I felt like it. Maybe once per 2 weeks.
I wasn’t particular at all with how to wash but I used just water with no detergent.When drying, I just hang dried and no tumble drying used. After a year of wear, there were so much damage on the jeans and I worried that it would be totally toasted if I continued wearing them as work wear so I started to wear them as my casual wears!

No:153 883masa gogo

Thanks for the contest! I’ve worn them only on the weekends and have washed 5 times so far. I will continue wearing these jeans!

No:143 Pink Black White




I can’t wear jeans on week days so I’ve worn my pair mainly on the weekends and after work but I was not able to wear them in the summer since it’s too hot in Japan these days. I suppose there’s still so much life and indigo left but the current indigo tinge reminds me of how the fabric was when it was in a new state and also I can imagine how the fade is turning out to be from now so I think my jeans are at the point where I can enjoy them the most!

My favorite details are as follows.
: the fade on the back pockets that were brought by the hidden rivets. Especially, there’s one weft faded to pretty much white compared to the other wefts, which I find a bit cute.
:the fade on the belt loops, the whiskers around the top block
:my jeans have the pockets bag made of hickory and wabash, which I assume are the most iconic work wear fabric other than denim. I can enjoy the fade of 3 different fabric from a pair of jeans!

How to wash:
I tried to stop indigo bleeding as much as possible so I used the detergent called Akuron(sold only in Japan). The washing time is relatively short, 8 mins with only one rinse per washing. For the first year, I think I have washed them once a 45 days but it did show too little fade so that I started to wash them more frequently, probably once a 2 weeks. I don’t know what gave the positive effect on my jeans but I’m pretty much happy with the way I’ve washed my jeans this time and its result!

No:45 srudy/denimbitch

コメント:特に無し/no specific comment

No: 84 Claes

コメント:Many thanks for a great pair of jeans, it has been a lot of fun being part of a fade contest and I couldn’t be happier with how they look after 18 months. Will continue to wear them for sure!

No:114 vpgosnell

コメント;Thank you for having this contest. It’s been a good distraction from some of the bad things in the world the past 18 months. I just did my best to wear them almost everyday, including to work as a bartender. I also prefer the vintage, natural fades over those with high-contrast or “too much care.” Although, I did use the tumble dry once or twice when I was in a hurry.
I was glad to be a part of this competition and think the majority of contestants took the vintage fade route and they look amazing for it. Thanks to you guys for having the competition and crafting great denim and clothing! I will continue to wear my pair as they are super comfortable. However, I may need to send them in for some repairs soon.

出来るだけ毎日このジーンズを期間中は履いたよ、仕事はバーテンダーをしているから仕事着としてね。色落ちに関しては、コントラストが出過ぎたような”やりすぎ感”のある色落ちよりも、ビンテージっぽい自然な色落ちが好きなんだ。だから、普通に履いて、普通に洗って、乾燥機も急ぎの時に1~2回は使ったけど基本は普通の洗い方/干し方をしたよ。 今回のコンテストに参加できてよかったよ。SuFuの他の参加者の色落ちを見ても、どちらかというとバキバキを目指す!というよりかは、僕みたいなナチュラル色落ち派が多かったし、それぞれが素晴らしい色落ちだった。改めて、コンテストの企画&素晴らしいジーンズをありがとう、TCB。 僕のS40’sはもうすごく馴染んで、履き心地もいいし、まだまだ履いていくつもりだよ。だけど、その前に一度TCBにリペアをしてもらおうかな!

No:11 Darren

コメント:特に無し/no specific comment

No:133 Kiriyamaworks



Worn since 1 Sep 2020 till the 28 Feb 2022. I’ve worn them almost every day.
Normally, I would wear jeans for 6 months straight without washing and then would wash when I feel like it but this time, I lost the timing to wash at the 6 months point so I extended the non-wash duration till a year this time. As the result of the experiment, I’ve found out 2 things
:the indigo tinge gets a bit greyish and jeans start to look like black jeans lol
:the fabric itself looses the durability

I’m not sure how many hours I have worn them but I didn’t wear them at least when I was sleeping.
Washed: 2 times(First wash: 21/Sep 2021, 2nd wash: 9/Feb/2022, which was the first anniversary of my beloved doggy, Iris’s death)
As I was turning to 51 year old, I wanted to welcome my new year with clean clothings so I did the final wash in Feb. Nothing strange or interesting to mention about my washing method but just put them in the washing machine, used the detergent called Ema-ru(sold only in Japan), no use of tumble dry.

No:130 Stylefactory.sugawara


There’s not so much to mention about this awesome pair of jeans but if you ask me, I think you just enjoy wearing your own jeans. I did nothing special on this pair and don’t care about where to go or what to do with my jeans. If I find them a bit smelly or dirty, I wash them immediately and I don’t care about how to wash.
I’m in Hokkaido so I gotta wear snow/rain boots a lot that makes some creases on the hem so the fade there might be a bit unique. Anyways, I have no specific rule about how to wear jeans. This sounds a bit that I’m trying to look cool here but I do think from the bottom of my heart that’s the way everyone is supposed to enjoy your own jeans!




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