WW2モデルのS40’s Contest Jeans のPre-orderが無事に終了しました。
We have soundly finished the pre-orders for the contest jeans and huge thanks for all your supports to TCB.
We’ve received way more orders than we expected and we’ll be super busy making your jeans for the coming month.
今回は日本の参加者も多く、日本勢の30年近く洗う?洗わない?論争で培ったノウハウで鍛えた穿き込み力も気になりますし、洗った後の糊付けというドーピングで攻めてくる猛者も居るでしょう。 This time, we have many JP contestants who have been improving the know-hows for the greatest fades developed by the Wash VS Non-Wash arguments often seen among JP denim dudes for the past 30 years. Also, I think some of the hardcore JP denim heads will starch the jeans for the more beautiful fades.
I have also confirmed 9 people from Indonesia this time. People from those tropical weather usually fade their jeans with distinctive hues on their denim, which I love to see this time.
Also, One indian guy on the list. Hope He can spread the value of JP denim more in the huge country.
I’m jealous of European people since the summer must be a bit cooler there, must be better for the tux.
The birthplace of jeans, The US, has the largest number of the contestants this time. Looking forward to their fades too.
All above is just my personal subjective or stereotype but each person will add their own flair to their jeans so I’m so excited to see all the great fades from all of you.
It’s like talking about who will win for the world cup this year, ain’t it? no?
One important notion here. We will make the contest jeans only for the pre-orderers so that no cancellation or size exchange will be accpeted this time.