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Entry No.200

#TCBWW2CONTEST エントリーNo.200 井上が穿いたジーンズです。


Super Furtureで本来のコンテストだともっともっとジーンズと共に旅に出かけてる写真が投稿されるのも楽しみの一つだったのですが、期間中ずっとコロナ禍だったのが唯一残念で仕方有りません。
参加者の皆様 ありがとう御座いました!
Half a year later than the other participants, I started to wear my own S40’s. No. 200
I rarely take a whole photo of my jeans but I like how big the waist is while the length being a bit short, unbalanced in other words but I find them a bit cute. I don’t remember exactly when it happened but it was when I exhibited in an overseas fashion event as TCB and I hanged some of my worn jeans as the fade samples but one of the visitors asked me if it was like a novelty kind of jeans since it was too big for his standard, which I recalled while writing these sentences.

I’m a jean maker/ denim lover so I know I’m supposed to take a note about how many times I’ve washed my jeans I’m purely nonchalant with those stuffs so I’m not sure how many I washed, lol. But I grew up in the middle of the huge vintage jeans trend in the 90’s in Japan so I’m much of a no-shampoo club member when it comes to fading a pair of jeans.Of course, I wash them when I feel like it or when I find my jeans too dirty for in-person customer service at our shop.
Speaking of detergent, I use The Laundress Denim Wash for washing. I’m not too sure if this is the best detergent but I like the scent of their Classic detergent. I didn’t do any tumble drying for S40’s since tumble dryers weren’t really widespread in the US in the 40’s.

It was a pity that we couldn’t really travel around the world to report the fade of each participant but it didn’t work due to the virus pandemic.
Once again, I’d like to thank you all for making this contest happen!




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