S40’s Jeans Fade Contestの集計にお時間がかかってしまいましたが、本日より、4/8までこのブログ上で皆様の色落ちとコメントを紹介していきます。本当に素晴らしい色落ちが多いのですが、ブログ上では全てのお写真は紹介できません。4/8の最終紹介の際には、各参加者様ごとの全写真をダウンロード出来るリンクを準備しますので、ぜひ世界中の皆様が履き込んだS40’s Jeansの姿をぜひご覧になってください。また、最終の発表に関しては、Zoom & Instagram Live (@tcbinoue アカウントより) の両方で中継をしたいと思っています。日程としては、4/23(土) 19:00~を予定しております。発表日付近になりましたら、改めてZoom トークへのリンクをご案内させて頂きます。
また、S40’s Jeansはコンテスト終了と共に販売を終了するのですか?とのご質問を頂きますが、TCBとしては今後も定番品番として作り続けていきますし、webstore上でもまだご予約を承っています。色落ちがどうなんだろうという事で悩まれていた方々も多くいらっしゃると思います。日本はじめ、世界のジーンズ好きが各々の履き方で色落ちさせて頂いたジーンズを紹介していきますので、ぜひご参考にいただければ幸いです。
We’d like to show you all the beautifully faded S40’s Jeans worn by people all around the world. This is a happy scream but there are too many good photos to narrow down which photos to upload here. In addition, this page might become too heavy to open so I will upload the link on the 8th April where you can download all the photos of each contestant so please check the outcome on each pair!
As for the winner announcement, we will do a Zoom Live/Instagram Live on 23rd April from 19:00 JP time. Each TCB staff will pick their 1,2,3 and will give each pair a comment for the top 3. I wonder who’s pair will win this time since each TCB crew has their own preference on fade! Please look forward to the winner announcement!
Lastly, we get often asked if we would discontinue S40’s series after the contest is over but we will continue making them and we are currently taking pre-order for the S40’s! so don’t worry about it, it’s now one of our permanent collection so you can buy them anytime!
コメント: コンテスト企画ありがとうございました!楽しくジーパン履いて過ごせました!!
I’ve enjoyed wearing my S40’s so far but it’s still half way through so I’ll continue enjoying my jeans. It seems there are many foreign participants this time so I took the fit pic with some Japanese background lol.
コメント:特になし/no specific comments
コメント:履き込みは、1年半ほぼ毎日履いてました。途中、「MOTO×TCB COLLAB SUSPENDER」を購入したので、1週間だけ20’sを履いてサスペンダーを楽しみました。夏以外はずっとS40’sのセットアップで着用です。洗濯ですが、画像で見るとしっかり色が残ってるのがわかるかと思います。実はOne Washで購入してから1度も洗ってません。
I’ve worn my pair almost every day in the past 18 months. In the middle of the contest, I bought Moto*TCB suspenders so I made an affair with 20’s Jeans only for a week though but after the summer I switched back to the S40’s again. Speaking of washing, I actually haven’t washed them yet. I imagine I can hear some Yikes from you but I used a lot of cleaning spray. At first, I wasn’t planning to wear them without wash but when I realized it the contest was already almost over lol. I look forward to how my jeans will turn out after the first wash. By the way, the rip on the right back pocket was caused by a money clip. All of my jeans have the same rip on the back pocket:) I’d like celebrate all the contestants again to have worn the same jeans for 18 months and also thank you TCB! The last thing to enjoy is to see beautiful fades from all of you!
コメント:特になし/no specific comments
コメント:優勝しようと意気込んでコンテストに参加したものの世界各国の強豪達の色落ちスピードに圧倒され、早々とドロップアウトしそうになりました。しかし「過剰に人と比べるのはやめてマイペースに楽しもう」と方向転換したことと、また日々穿き続けることにより愛着が増し、何とか皆さんと共に完走することができました。派手さは無いんだけど毎日ふと手に取り、穿いて出かけたくなる、そんな魅力のあるS40’s Jeansでした。ちなみにお気に入りポイントは、スレーキ生地のGoodな組み合わせです。皆さんみたく凄み・迫力のある色落ちには出来ませんでしたが、我が子のように大事に大事に穿き続けたことでダメージも少なく上品めに仕上がったかな、などと自画自賛しております。やっぱり我が子が1番かわいいですから(笑)コンテストは終わりましたが、これからもリペアを繰り返し長く付き合っていこうと思っております。この度はこのような素敵なコンテストに参加できる機会をご用意して頂き、誠ににありがとうございます。
At first, I was motivated much to aim for the champ but I was quite amazed by how fast some of the contestants faded theirs. It was almost discouraging for me to continue wearing them lol but I changed my mind to this way: I should not compare mine with others but I will enjoy wearing jeans at my own pace. As I wore S40’s, I had more attachment to these jeans and at last I could finish 18 months with you guys. The fade might not be as special as other’s but somehow I went for S40’s every morning. By the way, my favorite point on my jeans is the good combination of the pocket bags! I payed an extra care when I was wearing my jeans so almost no damage is seen so far and I feel that my jeans ended up looking a bit classy even though it’s just a pair of jeans, work wear.Oh yes, it’s my son so I should self-praise my jeans. Even though the contest has finished, I think I will continue wearing my S40’s.Thanks again TCB for holding this kind of a fun event!
I’ve worn my jeans with the S40’s Jacket. As my pajama, daily wear, climbing wear, it was basically the best omnipotent wear for me. I think I’ve washed them 6 times. Till the 4th wash, I hand washed and sun dried and then for the 5th and 6th wash, I used washing machine and tumble dry.
Due to the quarantine, I mainly wore mine when working home. So, I basically faded my jeans by sitting! I didn’t do any special washing techniques but just washed them with other clothes I have. It was just my casual wear. No tumble dry.
その頃かなりメンタルが落ち込んでいたのですが、そんな時にやってきたのがS40’s Jeans。落ち込んでいる最中、励ましてくれるかのように到着したS40’s Jeansをワクワクしながら履きました。
その際もちろん着用したのはS40’s Jeans。この一年半本当にいつも一緒で色々な経験を共に経てくれて感謝です。
A year and a half passed in a blink of an eye. My dad passed away in the summer 2020 and I was mentally down then. Around the time, S40’s Jeans were delivered as if they were to cheer me up. Since then, I’ve been wearing them every single day except for a week or two when I sent them to TCB for some repair.
I was working as a TV man till last Oct and I involved with the Paralympics. Oc course, I was wearing the S40’s as my work uniform and so many memories are inscribed on my jeans now. I really appreciate my buddy that has gone through a lot of happy and difficult times. Again, thanks TCB for holding this event.
Speaking of the details, I like the belt loops faded very much because I always used a backpack. The stitches on the back pockets are falling apart too but I like the way it looks!
I really appreciate TCB for giving me the opportunity to experience the life with a good pair of jeans. I had a big fun! I work as an office worker so I wore my jeans after the work, on holidays, and on weekends, even when I was teleworking. I think I’ve worn them every single day during the contest period. I bought the OW pair and I first washed them last July and then washed them every month with the denim detergent but I used Emaru( most common detergent here in Japan) for the last two washes because the hardcore denim fader, Kiriyama-san, uses the detergent.
2 years ago, I was almost dyeing from a disease. After the recovery, my mentality has changed: I’m well and sound so that I can wear my favorite jeans and because I can wear those jeans, I can be more healthy and well.
With that motto in my mind, my pair now has many memories. I guess the same thing applies to the jeans of each one of you. Your jeans show your life, right?
TCB, I beg you to continue making good jeans so that I can enjoy the rest of my life!
Speaking of the fit pic, the background is the area called Sendai Asakusa where you can feel the reminiscent of Showa era and the lively atmosphere of Japan after the WW2. Japanese bars and snack bars, they’ve remained the same for almost 70~80 years. I haven’t recently been to this area due to the virus pandemic but I look forward to the days when we can hear the laughter from these bars & pubs.
着用日数 387日 Worn for 387 days
浸け置き洗い 7回 Soaked 7 times
洗濯機 9回 Washed 9 times
乾燥機 2個 Tumble dried twice
I used Beyondexx detergent. (It’s like expensive detergent of the denim, for the denim, by the denim). I also tried to have some marks from striking a match by rubbing it at the right back thigh but I couldn’t keep doing it so it’s a bit half way through… My favorite point is the fade on the back pockets with the wonky stitches.
It was very fun to wear the same jeans as all the other contestants around the world! AT last, Ryo-san, I guess you have much to do for the final judge but please don’t say that you don’t want to hold a contest anymore, lol.
コメント:This has been a great journey and a great introduction to TCB jeans. Will keep wearing them until they fall apart. Thanks for organising!
Hi TCB guys, I always enjoy stylish posts and humor on SNS. 18 months have passed fast but I think this is the first time for me to have worn a pair of jeans this much. During the contest duration, there were a lot of events in my life, marriage, honeymonon, promotion, and giving birth to our first child, etc. and I’ve experienced them all with my S40’s so my jeans are full of good memories. I think the fade is not super high contrasted but rather naturally faded. I look forward to seeing the fades from others!
Thanks for the event. I’m more than happy to join another fade comp of TCB!
コメント:Thanks to you all at TCB for the jeans and contest.These are not contenders obviously but really like them and much more wear in them left….Bought the Two Cats blouse in the end – that’s just starting.
まだまだ履くつもりです。ちなみに、コンテストの終わりにTwo Cats Blouseも購入しました、こっちもどんどん着ていかなくちゃね!
I’ve washed my jeans twice and have used tumble dry for both washing. I like the fade at the coin pocket, the combination of the pocket bags and the whisker fades. On week days, I’ve worn my pair when taking a walk and on weekends, it’s been my go-to jeans. I was quite surprised at the mega high rise of the S40’s at the beginning but I got used to it as I wore them. I feel that S40’s jeans can be a good match with winter outers. The whisker creases have settled now so I think I will wash more to fade them faster!