先日のXXDEVELOPMENTの太一君をゲストに迎えたIG LIVEで現在予約受付中のWool Lined Type 1 Jacketに対して
I’ve been making clothes for 20 years now so I sometimes feel I get numb to some details or stuffs that people commonly wonder about. This question I got in the previous live streaming with taichi, ” Why did Levis or other denim brands use the similar kind of stripe fabric for the lining back then?”
For me, I’ve been in love with vintage jeans and jackets for 30 years now so that stripe lining was such an obvious and natural for me and never thought about why stripe. I gave it a thought with Taichi in the live but didn’t come up with any plausible reasons.
ただLIVE終了後にふと当時のTROY BLANKETのADや品質表示を眺めてました。
60% REUSED WOOLという表記をみて
After the live, I gave it some further thought, looking at the tag, the ads of the lined jacket. The tag says 60% Reused wool. This is just my speculation but they must have categorized used wool based on the main color of the fabrics back then to remake the wool fabric. Like, categorize the used fabrics based on red/blue/grey color.
I also talked with the grand master of weaving wool,Sato-san, but he says it’s quite common to do something like that in the wool weaving industry so this backs my idea up a bit. If you know the truth behind this, please let us know! we are curious as well!
Wool Lined Type 1 Jacketは今回のみの生産で11/7にて予約を締め切らせて頂きます。