極度の寒がりの専務の為にXX DEVELOPMENTのDATE BLANKETをプレゼントしました。ポンチョは日本では女性のイメージが有るのかも知れませんが是非男性にもオススメかなと思います。
Our production manager always run cold in this season so I gave him this poncho as a present.
このBLANKETのカラーは今回生産したWool Lined Type 1 Jacketの前身の生地に起毛を掛けて作られてます。
This fabric is the same as the one used on the front body of TCB wool lined Type 1 Jacket and it’s after the raising process.
He seems to like it, saying I don’t want the poncho to get worn and dirty like jeans but I think he’ll do so.
After several winters, I think this poncho will look like the one of Snufkin from Moomin Valley.
うん。今年もXX DEVELOPMENTの太一君のおかげで素敵なBLANKETが出来ました!
Well, thanks to Taichi from XX development, we’ve made lovely wool fabric this year too!