と思いS40’s Cordsとして発表させて頂きます。
I had been looking for this salmon pink type 3 jacket for a while and I happened to find one at a vintage clothing store in Japan 2 years ago and almost forgot buying it. As some time passed it’s now quite difficult to find it anywhere.
Speaking of the vintage Levis cord fabric, it was one of the most basic cord fabric available for me but it seems not a lot of brands would need it anymore. It was already discontinued when TCB tried to reproduce it.
Finding it is getting hard and making it is also getting hard then I start to feel that I gotta make them.
Maybe that’s how denim heads like me act, haha. I thought making the 3rd type might be the best bet but I also wanted to add some TCB tweak a bit, ending up making it in the 40’s style. This dusty pink might not be for everyone so TCB’s prepared some black cord fabric as well and we will start taking pre-orders for S40’s cords jacket today. I love this pink but I assume the black would be more popular haha.