久しぶりにBLACKCAT JKを羽織ってみて。
TCBはトラ猫のトラちゃんと黒猫のタンゴからヒントを得てTWO CATS BRANDという意味が有ります。
既に他界したタンゴのBLACK CATシリーズが最近ラインナップに無いのは淋しいですね。
It’s been a while to take photos of our Black Cat Jacket, which we unfortunately discontinued last year.
Looking at it again, I find the pocket design and the raglan sleeve cool. TCB stands for Two Cats Brand and when I started TCB, I had Tora, the tabby cat, and Tango, the black cat but Tango passed away last year and we don’t have any Black Cat series in the line now…
But as you can see, you can expect something black cat soon!