自ら炭坑にも入り発掘もするVintageコレクターViktor Fredbäckの協力の元、作る事が出来たTwo Cat’s Label
上記の理由を受けてTCBでは妥協したくないので現在庫を持ってTWO CATS BLOUSEとTWO CATS WAIST OVERALLは終了とさせて頂きます。
We have partnered with Viktor Feedback, the jeans hunter, and we released Two Cats Series last year based on the vintage pieces we borrowed from him. He lended us a piece of Amoskeag fabric from 1910 and we reproduced our fabric from the authentic Amoskeag fabric.
In order to reproduce the fabric, we had to dye the fabric with natural indigo but even in the country of denim, Japan, not so many dyeing factories can do the rope dyeing with the natural indigo and it’s much harder to get the color consistent compared to the synthetic indigo. Since the stocks for Two Cats series from the first production run get low on the stocks, we’ve been trying to find a way to produce the fabric again but the fabric makers can’t guarantee how the next batch will turn out so we have decided to discontinue the Two Cats series once the current stocks are gone.
It’s 10oz fabric and very nice for the weather now. I believe not so many brands can actually reproduce this jacket considering the number of the vintage jacket left alive being so small so please give it a try if you are fond of something rare in the Japanese denim industry.