参考になるか分かりませんが1910年をターゲットにしたTwo Cats Blouseや20’sJKの着画も載せますので肩の位置や襟の角度を比較して頂ければと思います。
直線的なパターンで、ライトオンスしか織れなかった時代のTwo Cats Blouse
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7枚目がTwo Cats Blouse
8枚目が20’s Jacket
As the founder of TCB JEANS, I also tried the 30’s Jeans C & 30’s Jacket on.
I also wore Two Cats Blouse which is a repro jacket of 1910 jacket and 20’s Jacket too so that you can compare the difference in the cut and in the collar angle, etc. (All in size 50)
We sometimes discuss which one is the best cut but we know we can’t reach the definitive answer since each one has their own good points. Speaking of the cut pattern of Two Cats Blouse, it’s composed of many straight lines, which can also be called a bit archaic whereas the cut pattern for 20’s or 30’s Jacket has more curve lines to make clothing fit more comfortably.
Looking at the fabric, you can also see how fast the weaving advanced in the old days. Until we released these 3 type 1 repro jackets, we’d been comparing one another for a few months and we were all quite amazed by the differences on the fabrics.