この度、TCBでは新作としてTCB Waist OverallとPleated Blouseが完成しOnlie Storeに掲載しました。
私達が大事にしてる工程 縫製も当時の製法に拘り、1本針のミシンを使いパンツは断ち切り、ブラウスは折り伏せ縫いで縫い合わせております。
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11/9-10はTCB SHOP OPENしてます。
Waist OverallとPleated Blouseも店頭に並んでますので是非手に取ってみて下さい。
We’d happily announce that today we release TCB Waist Overall and TCB Pleated Blouse as our new products since the time around the end of year is always a big release season for TCB!!
It took in total 8 months for us to realize what we really wanted to make so the first step was to analyze the fabric used in 1800’s.
It was before the synthetic indigo existed so that the common indigo dyeing was a pure indigo dyeing without any chemicals.
Also, at that time, Hank dye was the main stream way for dyeing where the fabric gets colored to the core of yarns, which makes it much more difficult and longer to get the vintage looking fades.
But no worries, we are TCB! We succeeded in rope-dyeing them for the best fades whilst keeping the color as close to the real vintage pieces as possible.
As for the production process, TCB has realized the exact same sewing methods on every little part.
Back then, the lapping seam sewing nor chain stitching had not even existed so that everything was sewn single-needed, which no other company would do nowadays.
These new products are the work wear before they were industrial products!
We’ve also made the product leaflet with much detailed information.
If you’d like to have a peek at it, please send us an email to tcbryo182@gmail.com or @rn182 on Instagram + a follow please;)
We really hope you’ll like it!
Many thanks,
Hajime Inoue