先日のIG LIVEでは私もサプライズだったんですが元ネタとなった1890年のNo2のLevis201を貸してくれた古泉さんから
We did a release IG live event with Mr. Koizumi who lent us the vintage pair of 201 and he, without any discussion in advance, suggested “Why don’t we do a fade contest for this 201 pair?” TCB was actually planning to hold a fade contest for some other new model but it’s the least thing for us to bring down Mr. Koizumi so we just said ” Why not!”.
We know the No.2 Jeans are not for everybody but we are confident in how beautifully this fabric will fade so here are the rules!
50’s jeans, 20’s Jeans, S40’s Jeansに引き続き、第4回目のFade Contest をNo.2 Jeansを対象に開催します。
コンテスト対象:No.2 Jeans (初回予約5/10予約締切分のみを対象と致します)
プレオーダー後 お届け予定: 6月下旬~7月下旬のお届け
コンテスト期間: 2024/8月〜2026/1月末
もうNo.2 Jeansを購入をいただいている方もいらっしゃいますので、ご予約注文済みの方、今からご注文を頂く方で2パターンの参加方法を記載いたします。
②No.2 Jeansをまだご注文頂いていないご参加希望の方へ
今回のNo.2 Jeansは少しマニアックなモデルですが、世界中のデニムファンとジーンズ愛を共有するいい機会になればと思います。
*色落ちコンテスト関連のポストは#tcbno2fadecontest のタグを付けての投稿にご協力いただければ幸いです。
TCBのスタッフ1名につき、 1位-3Pt 2位-2pt 3位-1pt と順位をつけて評価させて頂きます。
1位 - お好きな TCBのジャケット 1点 と ジーンズ 1点
2位 - お好きな TCBのジャケット 1点 もしくは ジーンズ 1点
3位 – お好きな TCB シャツ 1点
4位 – お好きな TCB ショーツ もしくは バッグ
5位 - お好きな TCB キャップ もしくは ハット
Target Model:No.2 Jeans (pre-order ends: 10th May)
Estimated Delivery: the end of June ~the end of July
Duration: Aug/2024〜Jan/2026
There’s no specific rules for the contest. Just wear the jeans however you like. You can repair however many times, you can paint on it, or anything is fine. We’ll see whose pair will look the most gorgeous at the end of Jan/2026. Simple as that! Please let me note that the participation to the contest is not mandatory at all. If you’d like to sign in for the contest, please let us know in the note section when placing an order on our Website. (For those who already made a pre-order, please send an email to tcbno2fadecontest@gmail.com)*Please let me know your nickname for the contest. After the registration process is done on our end, we will let you know your contestant no via email.
Last time we did a fade contest for S40’s, we’d had planned some special features for the contest jeans but it was out of blue that Mr. Koizumi suggested to hold a fade contest this time so we haven’t planned anything special yet but we are thinking of making some special woven tag for the contest jeans this time. We will update you with the special features on the coming blogs.
We hope that this contest will be a good opportunity for you to share your passion and love towards jeans with denim lovers around the world.
*Every 6 month we ask you to send us the current fade pictures and we will share them on our blog
*Please use. #tcbno2fadecontest
Here are some points decided for now.
■ Prize
1st Place 1 Jacket and 1 jeans
2nd Place 1 Jacket or 1 Jeans
3rd Place 1 Shirt
4th Place 1 Shorts or 1 Bag
5th Place 1 Hat or Cap
■How to judge
Each TCB Crew will decide 1st, 2nd, and 3rd favorite pair and 1st counts as 3 pts, 2nd as 2 pts and 3rd as 1 pt.
The person that ends up with the most points wins!
We are really looking forward to your participation and to seeing your fades! Temperature, your life style, and everything will be reflected on your jeans and THAT IS a part of a big fun in this kind of contest. The pre-order will end on 10th May so don’t miss it out!