会社で残り2着のSpecial Cat boy JKが欲しいと休日に直談判に来たので連行されて行きました!
プレーンのCAT BOY JKとCAT BOY JEANS SLIM CATBOY JEANSも現在庫が無くなり次第終了です。是非ご検討ください。
Fuji, who’s recently entered TCB from October.
I gave him a special pair of S40’s and wanted him to make a fade sample but against my expectation he mainly wears his vintage chino or military pants haha. It seems he used to run a clothing shop and he thought he gotta change his outfit everyday to always propose some styling sample for his customers.
This is the last run for all the Cat Boy Series and the restock is completed! Get’em before they’re gone!