BOSS OF THE CAT OVERALLを発表した時はまだ胸のポケットのネーミングまで辿り着けてませんでした。
Tabbys OverallでサンプリングしたStorong HoldもStoploss pocketって名前が有るからBOSS OF THE ROADの名前は何て言うんだろうってずっと想像してました。
When we release Boss of the Cat Overall, we didn’t get to know the official name of the iconic pocket.
When we reproduced the Tabby’s Overall from a vintage piece of Stronghold, we found that it was officially called as Stop-Loss Pocket so we assumed that this Boss of the road pocket has its official name but we hadn’t reached the answer yet.
boss of the road のロゴはブルドッグ=犬はご飯や骨を隠す修正がありますよね。リスなどの動物が冬眠に向けて食糧を蓄えることをHoarding(ホーディング)というので、”このポケットにこっそりお気に入りの何かを入れてお出かけして欲しい”というメッセージを込めて、そこからHoarding Pocketと命名し発売を迎えました。
I think when I drive and I came up with this idea: The logo of Boss of the Road is a bulldog and dogs have a habit to hide their food or their favorite bones, right? So, we tentatively named it a Hoarding pocket.
うちの専務が紙ヤスリで作った『Hoarding Pocket縫える君』で再現して行きたいと思います。
But after the IG live the other day, an anonymous guy sent us some pictures without any messages but his pictures told us the pocket was officially Three-way pocket! It seems the patent was acquired on 27th Apr in 1926 but we will keep calling them a hoarding pocket internally because we are poor at English anyways so once it’s a hoarding pocket, it’s a hoarding pocket for us!
The pictures show our “Mr. easy to sew a hoarding pocket” made of sand paper by our production manager. You might think it’s unprofessional but we gotta be flexible in thinking and making jeans!
年内最後のBOSS OF THE CATの生産に入りますので10/14 23:59を持ってサイズ38 40の予約受付を終了とします。
As mentioned in the last post as well, we will soon move onto cutting the fabric for Boss of the Cat Overall, which will be the last run for this model within this year, so we will finish the pre-order at 23:59 on 14th Oct Japan time. We have only 3~5 pieces left for each size so be sure to get it before it’s all gone.