I didn’t have any family bonding with my parents but I have one person who I still call Dad, the sewing machine maintenance guy who I met after moving to Kojima 20 years ago.
Right after moving in, I looked up all the sewing factories listed on a phone book, calling them from a public phone but all the companies told me
We don’t need anyone who have no experience. Or a male sewing person? We don’t need that.
って答えたのが私の児島でのジーンズ人生の始まりです。 But there was only one company who told me it’s okay but you need to learn the sewing machine maintenance in addition to the sewing job. That’s my start in making jeans journey.
当時、二十歳の私の本音は整備なんて…って思ってましたが今となったらUNION SPECIAL等の設定にも役に立ってるので無駄では無かったですね。
I was feeling like what the heck, machine maintenance?? Sigh… back then but the skills I learnt there is still much useful. In the movie, Karate Kid, he had to to all the waxing but it actually helped him grow strong.
Back then I often went to him to ask for dinner. Telling him that get me good machines and I will pay when I get rich by making jeans etc but all the machines at TCB is arranged by the dad and he always comes to our factory on weekends to prepare for the next week production. Much appreciation to my dad all time.