本日12/30をもって年内のTCB SHOPの営業は終了とさせていただきます。
年始は1/2 11:00からOPENで皆様の御来店をお待ちしております。
そして今年もYoutubeでお世話になり本日大人の冬休み用に長尺の動画も公開予定のチャンネルつるっとさんが年始早々にTCB SHOP内でPOPUPイベントを開催して頂く事になりました。
It’s the last working day for TCB this year and I’d like to thank you all who have supported us so far!
We are often asked if we do any New year sale or discounts but we unfortunately won’t and haven’t done one any discounts as a brand. Unlike many other brands, TCB releases only a few items a year and our staple jeans are basically all permanent collection. We make basic items and we are proud of what we make so we think it’s also the best way to keep the brand value! We hope to make the best jeans for the coming years!
Thank you all!