この度Storm Cat’s Driveを作るにあたり、古いカウボーイの写真や映画を見ようと探してました。
メキシコ在住のイタリア人アミーゴRENOが久しぶりにTCBに遊びに来てくれたのでCAT’S DRIVEタキシードを試着して貰いました。
Gracias RENO!
What kind of image do you have for cowboys? For me and most Japanese guys, I think the image comes exactly from western movies.
But as I studied into the cowboy culture and the western movies, I found out that many of those typical western movies were made in Italy and it became really popular among the world. Just like overseas people are fascinated by Ninja or Samurai, maybe seeing those unique cultures from the third point of view is needed to depict its amusingness.
As I was studying about Italian-made western movie, Reno, our Italian friend from Mexico, payed a visit to us for the first time in 4 years! He is really a friendly guy always putting a big smile on but when I point my camera at him, he switches to serious and cool face (just because of my movie preference and his born place, it reminded me a bit of God Father)
I wanted to take some photos of him in a big dessert-like field with some tumbleweeds rolling but we don’t have that kind of place nearby in Japan. So we had him with the background of Japanese Ozizo-san, which is a stone statue to protect children from bad souls, thinking this picture will be a good memorial photo in Japan for him. Just like Italian people made awesome western movies, he is spreading the value of Japanese denim culture in Mexico! Gracias, Reno.