In Japanese, we have 4 kanji idiom, 頭寒足熱. It means to keep your hear cool and keep your legs warm for your good health. It’s been said so in Japan for more than 1000 years, I guess. But if I recall, I could concentrate on studying in the winter time while putting my feel into Kotatsu (it’s like a traditional Japanese table, which comes covered with a blanket and has a heater placed underneath.)
I’m digressing but it’s really a great invention. You should try it when you visit Japan in winter time.
去年同様に今年のWool Lined Type 1 Jacketもアイスを食べても平気かどうか調べる為に食べに行って来ました。
Today I had Ryo wear the HW dog new cap in black. Like we did the experiment last year, I had him wear the lined jacket and the lined cap and had him eat a soft cream to see if he could eat it without feeling cold. The result was that the jacket and the cap are warm enough at least for him. (The translator, Ryo, myself felt it was warm enough. So, Hajime is at least not lying lol)
Clothes are to keep you warm so try our winter denim jacket and HW dog warm cap to keep yourself warm!