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Last Run for Tabby’s

廃番を予定してたTabby’s JKと Tabby’s Work PTですが復活の声が多かったのでネームやボタンの資材が有る分だけ最後に作らせて頂く事としました。カバーオールはストップロスポケットの付いたStrong holdをベースにカフスは3連ボタンのSUPER PAYDAYを取り入れたミックスになります。

Work PantsはスウェーデンでTCBを盛り上げてくれるSecond SunriseにスペシャルなVintageを借りて作らせて頂いております。恐らく私の知る限りですが、元ネタしたのはTCBが初だったのでは無いでしょうか。
写真は私が着用してたTabby’s JKと裁断担当の吉川君が着用してたTabby’s Work PT

We’ve decided to discontinue our Tabby’s Jacket & Tabby’s work pants but before that we will do the final run since we have a little fabric and a few hard wears left and we’ve received many requests for those models.

The jacket is based on a vintage Strong hold chore jacket with some details from Super Pay Day, remixed by TCB. As for the work pants, it’s collab pants we made with our Swedish stockist, Second Sunrise. The original pants were of Algots, the biggest Swedish work wear company. There are many reproduction brands around the world but as far as I know, no brand has never tried to reproduce these pants. Both are pretty memorial for me.

This fade sample is worn by our fabric cut master, Kick, for 2+ years and show pretty nice fades!
Its fabric is woven 2*1 and some of you might think 2*1 fade is not as gorgeous as 3*1 (regular denim fabric) but it’s not true! It’s just that 2*1 fabric shows its beauty inside more slowly!




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