先日、久しぶりに海外からお客さんがお店に来てくれて懐かしくも有り嬉しかったと紹介させて頂いたと思うんですが,色々試着してくれてる中でWorking Cat Heroのセットアップが凄いカッコ良かったので、敢えて倉敷の街並み感溢れる場所にて撮影させて頂きました。
Woking Cat heroを実は私も秋から着用したいなと狙ってるので涼しくなるのが楽しみです。
The other day we wrote about a Canadian customer who visited our shop and asked him to be our model!
We asked him to try on several denimm tuxes but we thought our Working Cat Hero looked the best on him. We wanted him to feel Japan while he was kindly cooperating with our photoshoot so that we took him to the Kurashiki Bikan district which still have the traditional Japanese scenaries!