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TCB20’s Jacket 予約受付開始のお知らせ

本日IG LIVEで発表させて頂いた通りTCB 20s JACKETの発売を開始させて頂きます。
このJKの元にしたVintageはOnline Storeにも書いてますが
5/28からTCB SHOPにて全サイズ展示中です。試着をして頂き予約して頂けますのでサイズを悩ましいかたは試着をお勧めします。
そして何と古泉さんからの御好意で5/28-29 私井上に仰って頂ければ1920’sの506XXも実物を観て頂きたいと思っております。

As we announced on today’s IG live stream, we will release 20’s Jacket soon and will start taking pre-orders.
The original vintage jacket is a borrowed item for a passionate vintage jeans collector, Koizumi-san, from Japan. At first, I wasn’t sure if it would be really okay to borrow such an extraordinary piece for free of charge but he said “I hope I will make some opportunities for every denim fan to see my collection.”, “To me, the connections with denim lovers have brought me the opportunities to own some great vintage pieces so I do think that I need to play a role to pass a baton to the next generation of denim lovers.” So, it’s fair to say that his kindness and love & passion towards vintage denim made it possible for TCB to reproduce the jacket.

I must appreciate his thoughts about jeans as well as his generosity.
The pre-order page is up online so don’t miss it out! By the way, the matching jeans are our 20’s Jeans and they are currently sold out for all sizes but we’ve started the pre-order for the 20’s Jeans as well!




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