現在予約受付中のGood Luckを着用するRyo君
現在Good Luckを中心に沢山の問い合わせを頂いてますがTCBのカスタマーセンターは99%彼が一人で対応しており本人もGW中につき、GW明けから随時の返信になる事を御了承下さい。
※Good Luckシリーズは受注生産になりますので予約を頂く必要が有ります。
当初5/7までの予約期間を想定しておりましたが、皆様からGW期間中に御質問を頂く事が多く、返信が出来ていないまま予約期間を終了してしまう可能性に気付きましたので、予約受付期間は5/20 23:59までとさせて頂く事としました。
Nonriveted Jeansの予約期間はRivetの誕生日です。
Ryo wears the new Good Luck tux.
I’m not sure if he styles with some perfect calculation or he just wears without thinking about anything but his relaxed fit looks good. But I noticed that his socks were different from one another, haha.
He is the only one to take care of all the inquiries and phones at TCB and will be taking days off during the Golden week holiday (1 May ~ 7 May). The replies will be after the holiday.It’s still faster than the red post made of steel from Showa era… Please forgive us for slow replies.
*We have extended the pre-order period till 20th May since we assume we will have many inquiries during the holiday. By the way, 20th May is the very day when riveted jeans were born 150 years ago!