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S40’s Jacket 次々回生産分のご予約に関して

まず、2月下旬〜3月上旬分の生産分からご予約いただいた皆様、もうすぐS40’S Jacketが完成致します。現在、洗い&アイロン等仕上げの段階となりますので、次週には出荷が始められる見込みです。もう少々お待ちくださいませ。



For those who have pre-ordered S40’s Jacket, we are going through the final process, Washing & Ironing, so please kindly be patient for a little more time.

We have sold all the S40’s jacket in 40/42/44/48 from the production this time but we have fixed the next production for S40’s Jacket and we are taking the pre-orders again for the said 4 sizes.
After the next production of this jacket, we will need to start making some S/S items so it’ll be a while to make them again after the next production so be sure to grab one if you are interested in a WW2 jacket! Shoot a message to Ryo @rn182 on his Instagram for the pre-order




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