サンフランシスコ生まれ、サンフランシスコ育ちのMoon-san。 Lined jacket を購入してくれて、写真を送ってきてくれました。
Moon-san from San Francisco wearing our Wool Lined Jacket. It seems he’s so fond of the jacket that he sent us some fit pics. He told me he wants to rock the jacket inside out and it also comes in handy when playing a guitar because the cuffs buttons don’t hit the guitar! That’s totally a legit reason for him to wear it inside out huh?
あまりにも似合うので、サンフランシスコを象徴する場所で、写真を撮ってくれないかとお願いすると、Golden gate Bridgeまで、アメ車を走らせて行ってくれました。
He kindly gave us compliments about the quality of the jacket and he went so far as to say he’ll get us some Yakitori and beer when he visits Japan! I liked his style so much that I asked him to take some more pics with some San Francisco background. He kindly went near the Golden Gate Bridge for that.
ちなみに、過去のブログでも触れたことがありますが San FranciscoのこのGolden Gate Bridge と 児島に架かる瀬戸大橋は姉妹橋らしいです。どうやら、素晴らしい橋がある街でデニム産業は栄えるのかもしれませんね。
As I mentioned in some previous posts but The Seto Ohashi bridge in Kojima is the sister bridge of Golden Gate Bridge. It could be said that denim industry would flourish near a city with a great bridge.
Well we all shine on
Like the moon
And the stars
And the sun
-John Lennon
His surname, Moon, sounded super cool to my ears and I told him you’ve got such a cool surname and he replied to me with the poem above from John Lennon. Such a cool guy again, haha!