先日、Pre-Orderを開始したWool-Lined 50’s Jacketですが、
またも、XX Developmentの太一君を奔走させてしまうことになりましたが、何とか今回生産分の増量が出来るよう早々に手配を進めてくれました。現地の職人の皆様にも負担を掛けてしまってますが、改めてプレオーダー期間を延長させて頂きます。
Due to the unexpectedly too many positive reactions to the lined jacket, all the sizes for the jacket sold out over a night.
On the flop side, we also have received many sad customers voices who missed them. Again, I asked Taichi for some help to produce the wool in super short due date and he again made a miracle and managed to get some more fabric in a few days. Thanks to all the help from the people involved with this project, we can add a bit more for each size for the pre-order.