毎年恒例の冬の風物詩 BKBKシリーズ。
今年はなんと最近増えてきた女性ユーザーに向けて701StyleのNORMA JeansをBKBKで発売させて頂きます。
NORMA BKで使ってる生地は色落ちさせてもよりカッコよくなる『育てる事が出来るブラックデニム』になります。
NORMA BKBKは既に完成してから発表させて頂いております。
現在TCB SHOPとオンラインストアにて販売中で随時発送とさせて頂きます。
Winter has come and that means it’s black denim season for TCB.
I know this is a disappointment for most of you but we have made black jeans for women this year, 701 style.
We don’t go after the current fashion trend but black jeans are now in fashion here in Japan but black jeans made by most fashion brands are made of the regular sanforized black denim so that in most cases you can’t expect some nice fade but ours is different!
Our 701 black fabric is 11oz with the plain weave sledge constructed in the same way as 50’s 701 jeans.
It’s hard to tell you the feeling of the fabric in the photos but after 2~3 washes I’m sure you can tell the difference.
As we have more and more female customers these days, we have decided to make female jeans for the firs time in 5 years! I hope our new black jeans can be a good Xmas present for your wife, girl friend, or partner!