12月にWorld Cupの時期にサッカー部が発足しましたがお隣さんの敷地に何度もボールが入り、優しいご近所さんが段々とカミナリさんになりつつ有ったので廃部
来る3月 TCB株式会社ではE-SOCCER部を発足する運びとなりました。
Our young boys used to skate before the work starts, after lunch time, and after work but we received some kind complaints from neighbors and our skateboard-with-jeans club had to split out.
Last December, these young boys set up a football club because of the World Cup. The begging was okay. But it was the third time that was the main cause of another break-up when we kicked the ball over the neighbors fence.
When I see the ball lying silently and somewhat sadly under my desk, it makes me guess what it is like to be a teacher who confiscates student’s phones.
This coming March, TCB Co.,LTD has established a new TCB e-football club.
I’ve heard that guys from Patagonia prioritize surfing to working if the waves are good. I say to myself, this must be similar in a sense Lol