山縣君の真上にはTin Barn Starが飾って有ります。緑色の星は成長、生産力、アイデアの成功のパワーをくれるお守りです。
Shiba uses a lot of post-it.
Shiba’s desk is nearby the air-conditioner but the cool wind doesn’t really stay around his desk so it seems it’s hot around there so he uses a fan.
Above his desk, there’s a Tin Barn Star. Green star gives you growth, new ideas, etc.
今日は巻き縫いの工程に追われてるのでUNION SPEACIAL35800三台が同時に稼働中です。
同じように見えますが田中君は50’s PTのヨークなので9/32インチ幅
TCB factory is in a full swing for lap seams today, 3 Union Special 35800 are making some soothing sounds.
They look the same but the red cap guy is doing one with 9/32 width for the yoke of 50s Jeans.
Kick and Taka are doing one with 1/4 width for 30’s Jacket.