A while back, I had some conversations with TCB Crews, talking about making a shirt for summer this year.
Everyone but me was thinking of a half sleeve shirt but I drew a conclusion that TCB would make long sleeve one but made of a comfortable fabric. Summer in Japan is deadly hot, probably much more boiling than you imagine, it’s normal to have 40+ celsius day in July/August. (The translator, Ryo, is frightened of JP summer for the first time in 5 years or so)
When it’s extremely hot, rolling up sleeves will give a nice look on this shirt.
This is the first time TCB’s used Linen as a fabric so some of you might think like, hey this is not what we expect from TCB!. but I think the shirt ended up appearing so TCB for sure. All the details come from a work shirt from 1910’s in the TCB archive.
名前はDetachable Collar Work Shirt
宜しくお願い致します。 I simply named it Detachable collar work shirt.
As the name goes, the collar is detachable by the included stud so that you can wear it in a round collar or a band collar.
Rounded and wide pocket opening for your pocket watch or keys or chewing gums for today?
In the early 1900, the line between tailoring and work wears was still quite vague so that it can be sometimes found that a shirt has both the influences. This goes for our new shirt too. At the first glance, it looks like a pull over shirt but is actually a normal button shirt.
The hemline of this shirt has an uncommon rounded shape suitable for tuck-in but it gives a flair to the shirt even when untucked.
Cat eye button
New tag made for this shirt. Made in reverence to vintage tag from this era.
生地は約5.5OZのタテヨコ リネン素材の糸で作られた生地。
5.5 OZ Japanese linen fabric
Linen fabric is famous for its cool feelings and its water absorbency.
When spinning linen, it’s hard to remove all the leaf trashes so that it’ll have some rough neppy feelings on the surface of the fabric, which we think is a part of attractiveness to natural linen fabric.
English below
この度Stay Home with your cat タグが完成しました。日本での緊急事態宣言は解除されましたが、今後、第二波/第三波を食い止めていくには、一人一人の心掛け無くしては達成できないでしょうし、それを少しでも後押ししたいという思いや、今回の世界的な事態を私等の中で風化させるのではなく、今後の教訓として活かしていくためにもこのタグを制作しました。
ご希望の方々に限り、6/1(月)以降のご注文分から、TCB製品のどの商品をお買い上げ頂いてもこちらのタグを同梱 もしくは取り付けをして、商品をお届けさせて頂きます。 注文時の備考欄に、Stay home with your cat タグ希望の旨をご記入頂ければと思います。
As we showed you in the live the Stay Home with your Cats tag, we’ll attach one to your purchase from 1st June. If you’d like one included in a box or have it attached somewhere on your purchased product, please kindly let us know in the note section when placing an order.
We’ve made this tag to back up people’s good will or the stay home spirits because we find it necessary to prevent the 2nd or the 3rd wave of the infection from happening. It might be just a
tiny back-up but still we wanted to do something with the situation where we all have difficult times regardless of where you are in the world.
Let me note a few points regarding the tag
* We are going to either include the tag or apply the tag to your purchased item from 1st Jun
* If you’d like to have the tag, please mention that in the note section.
* the number of the tag is limited so we’ll finish the service when we’ve run out of the tag.
*We’ll try to cater to your demand as to where you’d like to have the tag attached but some cases could be difficult. In that case, we’ll send you an email to discuss where it could be better for the tag placement.