English Below.
早速似たようなイベントにはなりますが、 明日5/31(日) 日本時間の14時から約1時間 Global Denim Hangというオンラインライブイベントに参加します。こちらも面白い企画で、24時間を24社に割り振り、各社1時間デニムに関する生放送を行い、そのバトンリレーとなります。
TCBはジャパンブランドからは唯一の参戦となりますが、Red Wing, 3sixteen,海外の有名デニムショップをはじめ、かなり豪華なラインアップでのライブとなります。 TCBは工場を有するブランドとして、各ミシンを動かし、ミニ縫製ライブ&海外勢にはなかなかTCBの内側を見て頂く機会も少ないのでバーチャル工場ツアー といったことを行う予定です。
Pass: global hang
Hello all denim heads in the world,
We are taking part in a online live event hosted by Global Denim Hang (@globaldenimhang
TCB is given a time slot of 1 hour from 6AM UK TIME BST on 31 May. Among well-known shops and denim brands, TCB is currently
the only one JP brand participating this event.
For the first half, we are planning to show you how we make jeans. We’ll livestream Hajime Inoue using Lapping seam sewing machine, Waist belt sewing,
button hole, and the bartuck machine. For the latter half, we’ll be doing a TCB factory tour. TCB is quite rare in terms of its in-house capability to make jeans from cutting fabrics to sewing every part of the process. Less than 20% of brands has the facility even in Kojima, Okayama. So, I hope it’ll be interesting for you to see how TCB makes our jeans.
How to join:
Going to link below and you can find the Zoom Link for each time slot.
Pass: global hang
*You need Zoom app to join the live show.
Please let me note that the live will be translated into English by Ryo (@rn182) with the best of his ability
but there might be some lost-in-translation but hopefully everything will be alright!