Here we’d like to announce that we, TCB, is attending JAPAN DENIM DAYS held in Kojima, Japan on 26th and 27th October at 11:00 am JP time. In addition to that, TCB will hold a live sewing show at the event!!
The live is only for an hour so that you will be able to see only highlights of the whole production for a pair of jeans but we’d be happy if you could enjoy the process of making jeans which you can not really see at any shops.
We plan to show you the production process for a pair of TCB 50 model and will bring our speacial sewing machines, including 3 of Union Special.
For those who can’t come to the show, we are going to upload what’s going on at the show through our Instagram Story!
Don’t miss it out!!
10/26-27 両日共に日本時刻で11:00
児島で開催されるJAPAN DENIM DAYSにてTCBは縫製ライブを開催します。
予定ではTCB50をを製作予定でミシンもunion special3台を含む計4台持ち込みます。