2/11 祝日は TCB SHOP OPEN してます
本日の写真はお馴染みのKiriyama Works 桐山さん
S40’sJKとS40’sPTのセットアップにXX DEVELOPMENTが作るSURE’S Hoodedを合わせてくれております。
Today’s photo is our good friend,Kiriyama san, styling our S40’s tux with a Sure’s hoodie from XX development.
He’s been wearing the tux for 5 months and its slubby and dotty fades are starting to show. This kind of slubbiness is often seen on a fabric made of hard twisted yarns.
Once these fade dots get connected together, it’ll surely show a magnificent fade.
I’ll talk about this in details some time later but as young come to experience the puberty, denim suddenly start to change how they look at a certain point. For instance it’s like going through a voice change one day.
それでは2/11 建国記念日に皆さんのご来店をお待ちしております。