この度Tabby’s Vestに新色のPin Checkを追加しました。We’ve added a new color, pin check, to our Tabby’s vest.
私は、鍵やAir Podsやハサミを探す時間が嫌なので夏でもVESTを着ていつも持ち歩けるようにしてます。
During summer, I always wear a vest to store my keys, Air pods, scissors and stuff.
Like hickory strip fabric, I think this is the more you wash, the more beautiful it gets type of fabric.
また、 5/30(土) 20:00~より TCB井上のインスタ上で雑談ライブを開催の予定です。
We are doing a IG live on 30th/ May from 8PM. This time, we’ll do it for our Jp customers but we’ll do another one for overseas customers as well.