前回のご予約時は瞬く間に完売となってしまったLate S40’s BKBK。
TCBが初めてBKを作った際、”TCBのカスタマーにBlackは受け入れられるかな?”と心配な思いも少しあったのですが、シックなブラックデニム &ビンテージらしい縫製、色落ちを試してみたいという声が多かったのは嬉しい誤算でした。
The Late S40’s BKBK sold out in the blink of an eye during its last release.
Due to overwhelming requests for a restock, we are finally able to announce that production is back on track.
When TCB first ventured into making black denim, we were a bit anxious, wondering, “Will TCB’s customers embrace black?” However, it turned out to be a pleasant surprise to see so many people eager to try the chic black denim with its vintage-inspired construction and unique fade characteristics.
This time as well, due to limited fabric availability, the production volume is not very high. So, we encourage you to consider placing your order early.