余談ですが、この人20年ほど前に、ジーンズにサビの汚しを加えたいと鉄骨建の廃墟の柱から錆を採取してるのを観た時に、生地 縫製 加工 どの道にも変な人が溢れてるのが児島だなと感心した事を思い出します。
A request to a time machine
Mr. K is a craftsman who applies a used finish to new denim as if he had used a time machine.
By the way, he is a legend in the industry.
I met him the other day for the first time in a while and he told me that he has been wearing a 30’s JK jacket from TCB for work recently, so I took a photo of him.
The pockets were pinned to create a rounded edge, which is an idea unique to a craftsman who applies used finishing.
The design is free and there is no right or wrong, so it cannot be completely rejected, but sometimes I come across some denim that has been artificially applied in the process, and I think that the person who applied it must have never actually worn the denim.
I guess it’s best to actually wear it yourself and see which parts start to fade first and which parts are most likely to be damaged.
By doing so,
you may be able to create a raw used finish.
As an aside, I remember seeing this guy collecting rust from pillars of an abandoned steel-framed building about 20 years ago in order to add a rust stain to his jeans, and I was impressed by how Kojima is full of eccentric people in every field, from fabric to sewing to processing.
I’d like to keep an eye on the TCB he wears again.