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Black Cat JK

2頭の馬が引っ張っても破れないジーンズを作っている会社が、100年以上前に掲げていた「TWO HORSE BRAND」というバナー。そのコピーに妙に惹かれたのを今でも覚えています。そこからふと思いついたのが、「うちには猫が2匹いるからTWO CATS BRANDだな」。これがTCBjeansの名前の由来です。(ちなみに正式な意味はTaking Care of Businessです!)
さて、そんな“2匹の猫”がモチーフのTCBですが、最近はトラ猫のトラちゃんばかりを推していました。でも、ふと思ったんです。「黒猫のタンゴもいるのに!」と。そこから生まれたのが、Black CAT JKの復活です。


A company that makes jeans that won’t tear even if two horses pull them up put up a banner that read “TWO HORSE BRAND” over 100 years ago. I still remember being strangely attracted to those brand ads. Then, I suddenly thought, “We have two cats, so we’re TWO CATS BRAND.” That’s how the name TCBjeans came about. (By the way, the official meaning is Taking Care of Business!) So, TCB has a motif of “two cats,” but recently I’ve only been promoting Tora-chan, the tabby cat. But then I thought, “But we also have Tango. the black cat!” And that’s how the revival of the Black CAT JK was born.

The uniquely shaped left chest pocket that is often seen on the chore coats from the pre-war era, which is what I love about vintage chore jackets. (WW2 chore coats look too simple and I’m not a big fan of those.) And the biggest feature of this Black Cat is the unique “rolled pocket” with a black bear motif, which is also my favorite point. In addition, it has raglan sleeves, so your arms can move smoothly.

I’ve forgotten how many years it’s been since it was produced last time, but if you missed out on buying it last time, or if you didn’t know about TCB back then, be sure to take this opportunity to pick it up!




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