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Restock TCB50’s

当たり前にそばにありすぎて、最近では語る機会も少なくなっていたTCB 50’s。
今回、ちょうど補充が完了したこのタイミングで、USEDのTCB 50’sを穿いてもらい撮影しました。


それでも、このTCB 50’sは、そんな様々なヴィンテージジーンズの基準点として、私たちの心の中に変わらず存在しています。

私にとってTCB 50’sは、空を見上げればいつも変わらない位置にある「北極星」のような、まさに当たり前に傍に有りすぎる存在。

そんなTCB 50’s。現在は同じ生地を使用した2ndタイプの50’sジャケットも、比較的豊富なサイズ展開で販売中です!
1890JK 20’sJK 30’sJK(1stタイプ)からの進化もぜひ確認してみてください。

TCB 50’s are so familiar to us that we rarely have a chance to talk about them these days.
This time, we had just finished restocking, so we had him try on a pair of used TCB 50’s and took some photos.
Of course, in the current jeans scene, many people are looking for WW2 models.

However, we have encountered many vintage jeans over the long period of 12 years and have continued to make efforts to embody the atmosphere of various eras such as the 1890s, 1920s, and 1930s. Even so, the TCB 50’s remain in our hearts as a reference point for all those vintage jeans.
When we sample jeans, we realize that our impressions, such as “this fabric is thick,” “dark,” and “wide silhouette,” are unconsciously based on jeans from the 1950s.

For me, the TCB 50’s are just so familiar to us that they are like the North Star, which is always in the same place when you look up at the sky.
Just as the beauty of the shooting stars stands out when you take a long exposure photo of a starry sky, I think the North Star being at the center makes the whole image look harmonious.

That’s the TCB 50’s. Currently, the 2nd type 50’s jacket, made from the same fabric, is also on sale in a relatively wide range of sizes!
Be sure to check out the evolution from the 1890JK, 20’sJK, and 30’sJK.




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