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A story about telling myself to be a bear
Sometimes, I see some news about “bears appearing in urban areas.” When did we start seeing such news?

I think that in the past, bears probably had enough food in their habitat. However, as the time passed, the ecosystem changed, and it became impossible to secure enough food to feed their families in the mountains. So I think that bears started coming down to unknown urban areas to survive.

Of course, I understand that it is a cause for concern for city residents. But this time, let me put that perspective aside for a moment.
Every time I see this news, I think, “Bears are also desperately trying to survive.” They go to places they have never seen or been to in search of food for their families. I am encouraged by their attitude.

On the other hand, when I think about the current situation of humans, especially the apparel manufacturing industry, I can’t help but cast myself to the image of bears. I mean this industry is surely a declining industry that shrinks every year. Many of the stories I hear within the industry are pessimistic.
About 10 years ago, when some sewing union groups from other prefectures came to TCB for an inspection, I told them: “Everyone, let’s become bears. We can’t find food in our current location anymore.”
But humans are more timid than bears when it comes to change. We don’t leave the places where we used to be able to find food, and just complain when we can no longer find food. We tend to hesitate to move and take on new challenges. And I’ve seen many sewing factories went out of business in the past years.

It may have been a misinterpretation, but the bears on TV gave me courage in a sense. I felt that there was something to be learned from seeing them heading to unknown places in search of food. That’s what I think. I want to be strong like a bear, not just in appearance, but also in heart.
In the winter of 2024, I will walk through each day with this thought in my heart.

With the hoodie that SURE made for me that lets me become a bear.
Well, perhaps I need a lick of honey…

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