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Cat Wearing Bear

思い立った私はすぐに岐阜の戦友XX DEVELOPMENTの社長太一君に電話しました。

私『もしもしブラウンのALASKA HOODIE作ってよ』
太一君『ブラウンって言っても色々有るじゃん!古泉さんは黒のSWEATを作るのにPrinceton大学の黒のVintage SWEATを2着送ってきた訳だし、TCBはBrown大学のSWEATをサンプリングする?』

そんなやり取りから生まれたカラーが “BROWN’S BROWN”

古泉さんはデニムにも負けず劣らずSweatも沢山スペシャルを所有されており、かつここ最近まで世界的有名なSWEATメーカーにも在籍されていたのでこのALASKA HOODIEがお墨付きを得た事に私も嬉しく思います。

是非SUREのインライン 古泉さんのBLAK ‘n’ BLACKと共に”BROWN’S BROWN”もよろしくお願いします。
と揶揄されたので発売記念で愛猫と共にCat Wearing Bear


In winter I always like wearing a hoodie under a denim jacket or a chore jacket because it’s warm and comfy. While rotating between a salmon pink and a green one, I started to feel that I might need a brown one, which I think many of you can relate to. Maybe it’s an occupational side effect, but instead of buying a new one, I always think of making it. As soon as I had the idea, I called Taichi, the boss of XX DEVELOPMENT, my sewing comrade in Gifu.

Me: “Hello, can you make a brown ALASKA HOODIE?”
Taichi: “There are many kinds of brown! Koizumi-san sent me two black vintage sweatshirts from Princeton University to make a black sweatshirt, so maybe refer to the brown from a sweatshirt of Brown University?”

Me: “I have a brown one that I like, so I’ll send it right away! Have you received it? ”
Taichi: “It’s just an emoji stamp of a bear named Brown…”

The color “BROWN’S BROWN” was born from that exchange.
I’m sure you’ll ask, “Is this really a custom order made with a whim?”
But I think that good clothings are already made with respect and love, and what else do you need to add but keeping the alteration as simple as possible can be a way to pay respect to the manufacturer, isn’t it? So, for me, the story is that I had them make a color that I wanted to wear as an inner layer of denim jacket based on a hoodie that I love. This time, Koizumi-san, who has lent us some super vintage pieces before, will also be releasing a custom-made BK color for ALASKA hoodie at the same time. Koizumi owns many special sweatshirts that are no less than denim, and until recently he was also working for a world-famous sweat manufacturer, so I’m happy that this ALASKA HOODIE has received his approval.

Please look forward to “BROWN’S BROWN” along with Koizumi’s BLAK ‘n’ BLACK
Taichi teased me by saying, “A cat lover as big as a bear wears a hoodie in bear color?”
To celebrate the release, I took a photo with my Cat, Tora. I think this sweatshirt will warm your heart as well as your body!
Thank you as always, Taichi! I’ll text you again for a collab next year.




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