先日補充したBoss of the Cat Overall
本場のBull dogの掠れ具合も観て来ましたが布ラベルの生地の表情。プリントの掠れ具合にも拘ったので是非楽しんで下さい。
Boss of the Cat Overall, which we restocked quite recently.
As I’ve mentioned many times, I decided to repro these overalls because I was impressed by the pocket structure of the original vintage but another thing I like is the cloth label.
TCB has created eight different labels and will deliver them randomly.
When I went to Sweden in June this year, I had the opportunity to have Viktor show me his collection.
I also saw the frayed look of the original Bull Dog patch but the texture of the fabric of the cloth label. I also paid attention to the frayed look of the print, so I hope you enjoy it.