久しぶりに30’s JKと30’sJeansCがセットで店頭に並んでるので私が1年半穿き混んだ30’sJeansを紹介します。
いつボタンが打たれたものか定かでは無いですが、Levisでもこの時代は後付け用に箱売りでPress on buttonのセットを売ってたと資料で観た事が有ります。
※もし30’sJeansを購入の際に、Press on Buttonしたい人は備考欄にサスペンダーボタン希望と記載して下さい。無料にて承ります。
It’s been a while since the 30’s JK and 30’s Jeans C have been on sale in a set, so I’d like to introduce the 30’s Jeans that I’ve been wearing for a year and a half.
The 14.1oz fabric is the thickest in the TCB lineup.
Everyone is surprised at how stiff the fabric is the moment they hold it in their hands.
Because it’s a dark color, the grooves of the clear whiskers create a shadow of the dark color, called accumulation, which I think is a characteristic of the 30’s.
I wear my 30’s Jeans with suspender buttons added.
MOTO has a pre-war 37-spec Vintage with a red tab attached by a hidden rivet, but he often wears the suspender buttons as work clothes.
I’m not sure when the buttons were added, but I’ve seen documents that say that Levis also sold a box of press-on button sets for retrofitting during this period.
I’m sure there were many users who had a hard time getting used to the abolition of suspender buttons.
I’ll keep it a secret that the reason I added suspender buttons is that a belt becomes uncomfortable when you lead an unhealthy lifestyle.
*If you would like Press on Buttons when purchasing 30’s Jeans, please write “Suspender buttons” in the comments section. We will do so free of charge.