Viktorに逢い、映画を観せて貰い1週間を共に過ごした私はすっかりと彼のファンになってしまい気付けばGood Luck Jacketを着用してる私がいます。
そして先日、ちょっと岡山の県北に用事が有って向かってる途中、そういえば洞窟が近くに有る事を思い出して『DENIM HUNTERごっこが出来るぞ!』と寄り道しました。
ちゃんと奥まで入って撮影するとなりきりDENIM HUNTERな写真を撮れそうな雰囲気だったんですが、その日はSWEDEN土産のクロックを履いてしまってしまってて絶対に転けて怪我をするよなと思ったので断念
It’s already been a month since my trip to Sweden.
After meeting Viktor, watching his movies and spending a week with him, I’ve become a big fan of his and I’ve just kept wearing the Good Luck JK since then.
The other day, I had some business in the north of Okayama and on my way there, I remembered that there was a cave nearby and thought, “I could play DENIM HUNTER!” So I took a detour.
It’s a limestone cave so the humidity is high. I thought if I left jeans there for a year, they would probably get moldy. I thought we should not forget that the fact that jeans can be stored for 150 years in America is also due to the coincidence of the climate.
It looked like I could go all the way to the back and take some photos like I was a DENIM HUNTER, but I was wearing a clock from Sweden that day, so I thought I would definitely fall and get hurt, so I gave up.It was nice inside the cave, so I’d like to take some photos again this summer. I need a candle to put in my hat.