もちろんTRUE FITで観た物も有りましたがリアルボイスの迫力は桁違い。
ゆっくりと5年くらいかけてのプランでViktors Voiceの打ち合わせが出来たのでは無いかと思います。
残りわずかですがViktorの映画公開記念でGood Luckを少量で補充して販売中です。そちらも是非!!
The main purpose of the trip to Sweden this time was to meet Viktor in person.
I had a meeting with him and his daughter Ines-chan. Even though I knew a part of his collection from the True Fit book, it was way beyond impressive! Maybe we now have 5 years+ Viktor’s Voice plan. We’ve even planned the finale for our VV collab and I’m sure we can satisfy all denim heads! Our second collab, Good Luck, is also available now!