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SEAMEN 予約開始と仕様変更のお知らせ

この度SEAMEN JKとSEAMEN TRの生産の予定が組めたので予約を開始させて頂いたのですが、この度仕様変更のお知らせが有ります。
SEAMEN JKには本菊穴と言って100年前のミシンを使って穴を開けていたのですが、この度そのミシンを使えなくなってしまいました。
今は昔ながらのモノづくりをとして謳ってる染め方や織機もいつ急に使えなくなる日が来るかも知れないMADE IN JAPANですが今は踏ん張ってモノづくりを続けたいと思う今日この頃です。

We have started to take the pre-orders for Seamens’ Jumper & Trousers.And we need to make an announcement about the change of detail. Since the production of Seamens’ Jumper started 8 years ago, we have made them with the eyelets sewn with the Singer eyelet machine made over 100 years ago but now the machine can no longer work so that we need to use more advanced machines for the eyelets. It was one of the details we loved the most about this jacket so we thought we would discontinue Seamens but a lot of customers requested the restock and we’ve decided to continue making with the machines we have.

I don’t know how many more years we can continue making our products like they used to be made or in the coming 20~30 years later, made-in-Japan clothings might be close to extinction but we’ll try our best to make good old clothings!




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